Top 10 Reasons to Visit Your Optometrist Regularly

The significance of eye care is a topic that won’t run out of words. So does the role of an optometrist in facilitating such care. To put it simply, an optometrist is a healthcare professional who specializes in eye care. However, their role extends beyond that simple definition.

Their role begins with a comprehensive eye examination, vision diagnosis, and prescription of lenses to combat challenges in vision. Moreover, they offer expertise in the diagnosis and treatment of eye conditions such as glaucoma. Such expertise is valuable since some of those issues are better treatable at an early phase. Then there are systemic health issues that could create vision-related complications. Here also a regular visit with an optometrist in UAE

comes as a saviour. Finally, there is the role of educator that these professionals take to guide us in the path of optimal eye care.

comes as a saviour. Finally, there is the role of educator that these professionals take to guide us in the path of optimal eye care.

1.   Early Detection of Eye Diseases

Eye diseases such as glaucoma, macular degeneration, and cataracts in the initial stages are often not noticeable. Regular consultation with an optometrist at an eye care Abu Dhabi helps to identify these stages and implement preventive strategies. In this way, potential vision loss could be prevented.

According to a study by the American Academy of Ophthalmology early detection and treatment of eye diseases such as glaucoma reduces the risk of vision loss by 50%.

On the other side, Macular Degeneration (MD) is an incurable eye disease that leads to vision loss. However, it is possible to slow down its progression with early detection. Another study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association supports this possibility with empirical results.

The whole point is that the close monitoring of eye health by an optometrist helps to improve the vision and thus the quality of life.

2.   Prescriptions for Glasses or Contact Lenses

Conditions like myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism, and presbyopia are something that can be corrected with glasses. Here it is the optometrist who conducts a comprehensive examination of the condition and prescribes the type and power of glasses. As a result, they delivers better clarity of vision.

However, this may not be a one-time event. The vision changes over time due to aging or other factors. This demands a regular visit to the optometrist in UAE. They will walk you through the same diagnosis process and ensure that the power of the glasses or contacts is up-to-date. This will ensure the avoidance of eye strain, headache, and blurred vision.

3.   Managing Chronic Conditions

Chronic conditions such as diabetes or hypertension can lead to eye complications. This could be diabetic retinopathy or hypertensive retinopathy which eventually leads to vision loss. However, it is preventable. This requires proper intervention with the help of an optometrist in UAE.

To quote unquote Dr. Michael F. Marmor, a retinal specialist: “Patients with diabetes or hypertension must have regular eye exams. Early detection of retinal changes is key to preventing vision loss”

Similarly, a study by the American Diabetes Association highlights the relevance and efficacy of regular eye exams in preventing diabetic retinopathy. It shows that such practices reduce the risk of vision loss due to this condition by about 95%.

These findings indeed project the role of regular visits to eye care Abu Dhabi in safeguarding your vision due to chronic conditions.

4.   Eye Care in a Digital Age

21st century can be assigned with the title ‘The Age of Digital Revolution’. Anything and everything is getting uprooted into a digital world. This is exactly where the deterioration of personal health and increasing screen time meet. Conditions such as headaches, dry eyes, and blurry visions are becoming commonplace. Studies report that about 58% of adults suffer from eye strain due to prolonged screen time.

This is where the optometrist takes charge and helps to manage and alleviate these symptoms. They also recommend practical tips to mellow down the conditions. For instance, look at the 20-20-20 method which is often suggested by them. This practical tip requires you to have a 20-second break every 20 minutes to look at something 20 feet away.

Such knowledgeable strategies when combined with the recommendation of filtered lenses ensure comfort and well-being during screen times.

5.Such knowledgeable strategies when combined with the recommendation of filtered lenses ensure comfort and well-being during screen times.

Regular visits with an optometrist in UAE are something that goes beyond protecting the vision. The eye is also vulnerable to allergies and infections. Adding to this there are chances for conditions such as dry eye syndrome. Such conditions hamper the comfort and well-being of the eyes.

Regular visits with an optometrist in UAE are something that goes beyond protecting the vision. The eye is also vulnerable to allergies and infections. Adding to this there are chances for conditions such as dry eye syndrome. Such conditions hamper the comfort and well-being of the eyes.

6.   The Vision Development of Your Child

The eyes of children are vulnerable to issues such as refractive errors and Strabismus or crossed eyes. The bright side is that they are curable with early intervention.

Generalized studies point out that one in every four school-going children has vision problems that affect their learning. Such impacts on their academic performance of children warrant regular consultation with the optometrist to keep track of their eye health.

7.   Lifestyle Adjustments

Eye health can be improved with lifestyle changes such as proper nutrition and eye exercise. For instance, the National Eye Institute (U.S.) can be found to recommend a diet rich in vitamins A, C, and E to support eye health. With extra research, you will get to know that food such as leafy greens and fish could deliver such vitamins and antioxidants essential for eye health into the diet.

Indeed a knowledgeable optometrist can enrich us with such valuable information. If a regular consultation with an optometrist is possible they can also strive to make lifestyle changes by understanding your existing lifestyle.

8.   Overall Health Insights

The role of an optometrist in UAE in identifying and treating eye health complications in patients with chronic illness has already been mentioned. The reverse also works. That is, through thorough inspections the optometrist can point at underlying systemic issues. Such identifiable issues include diabetes, high cholesterol, or autoimmune diseases.

As per research from the American Journal of Ophthalmology, eye exams could reveal systemic diseases in up to 30% of patients. Reputed figures in this specialization such as Dr. Scott McLeod suggest that eyes often reflect broader health issues. Such findings and statements further stress on the need for regular eye diagnosis at an eye care Abu Dhabi.

9.   Preventing Eye Injury

Eye injury is a common event that often goes ignored. According to the CDC, more than 2,000 people a day suffer from eye injuries. They stress that most of these are preventable with proper eyewear. More studies support this observation by reasserting that eyewear reduces eye injuries by about 90%.

Here, the relevance of a regular consultation with an optometrist in UAE is pedagogical in nature. They could educate the patients about eye safety and the importance of protective eyewear. Moreover, they can offer recommendations on the right safety glasses that will be of practical use.

 Thus they equip the patients with a preventive strategy to secure the most valuable asset which is vision.

10.   Personalized Care

This could be considered the culminating point of all the other 9 reasons for making regular visits to your optometrists. Regular comprehensive diagnosis of the eye, updates on health conditions including chronic illness, discussions on lifestyles, and family history, and updates on eyewear prescriptions equip the optometrist to deliver personalized care.

To be specific, the optometrist will be able to make accurate recommendations on treatments and preventive measures that suit the patient’s conditions. Moreover, it enables them to offer a deeper understanding of the eye health of this particular patient. As a result, the patient will be able to make informed decisions for eye care.

The final result of such personalized care is better outcomes driven by proactive eye care.

Now that the top ten reasons to visit your optometrist regularly have been evaluated it is time to choose the right vision care professionals. In this direction, Kattan Opticians will be an ideal choice.

Why Choose Kattan Opticians for your Eye Care?

As mentioned earlier eye care is essential to ensure the quality of our lives. In such a mission it is essential to share the responsibility with a reputed professional. With over 30 years of experience in the field, Kattan Opticians have a reputation to upkeep.

Moreover, we deliver professionalism at every step. When this is complemented by our commitment to integrity, the quality of eye care is guaranteed at our facility. Additionally, our inclination towards innovation, which is reflected in our state-of-the-art facility, ensures that you receive the best eye treatment in the industry.

By now you might have made the choice. In case you have chosen the exciting decision of working with Kattan Opticians feel free to connect with us. On our social media handles you will also find us surprising our customers with exciting offers and giveaways.

David Mahmarian